Resources & Study Materials:

In the 20-minute lecture and reading below, Eve Ensler discusses her motivations in the upcoming 
V-Girls performance piece entitled "I Am An Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls."  In Ensler's characteristic style of blending intellectual commentary with emotive knowlege, she discusses female identity, amazing warriors fighting for women worldwide, the negative effects of patriarchy on men and women, as well as discussing the extreme violence faced by men, women, and girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo today.

In the two-video interview series below, Eve Ensler discusses her own background and motivations with Riz Khan of Al Jazeera's "One on One."  This video is a great insight into Ensler's personal background, including the violence that she has worked to overcome, as well as being an excellent indication of the heart beating at the roots of VDay's global mission.